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The Lac La Biche Regional Health Foundation is a charitable, non-profit organization created to raise funds to bring medical equipment and enhanced healthcare to the Lac La Biche region. The Foundation was formally approved by the Alberta government in September 2015. It operates under the direction of 11 board members, as well as, associate board members and volunteers. 

Our Vision


  • Increase standards of healthy living to maintain and enhance medical services in the Lac La Biche Region for a healthy community.


Our Goals


  • To enhance medical care and support health-related programs in the                            Lac La Biche region, and

  • To fund medical equipment for direct patient care at William J Cadzow                Health Centre in Lac La Biche


Our main focus and fundraising is for expansion of existing services and equipment, as well as, for funding and initiating new services and equipment at the William J Cadzow Health Centre and other AHS facilities supporting the Lac La Biche region.


We're focused on these goals because we understand

that restoring good health happens faster and more comfortably closer to 




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Lac La Biche Regional Health Foundation

Box 1533  Lac La Biche AB  T0A 2C0


c. LLB RHF 2019

Charitable Registration ID# 77093 4321 RR0001

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